Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Instructional Strategies in the 21st Century

Anyone who has taught a classroom of students quickly realizes one very basic fact.  All students are not the same.  Student approach learning in a variety of ways.  They have varying interests, attention spans, and learning styles.  Because of this, teachers need to be prepared to use a variety of instructional strategies in the classroom.  View the video below for more information about Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences.

A New Kind of Learner

21st century students are not content to sit as sponges and absorb information from the teacher.  Students as young as kindergarten are used to gaining knowledge for themselves through exploration, discussion, problem solving, and yes, even through technology.  
By utilizing a variety of instructional strategies, teachers can reach all of the students in the classroom.  Technology allows teachers to differentiate the instruction to meet the needs of many types of learners at once.  Technology can be utilized to improve teaching no matter the instructor's personal educational philosophy.  Lectures can be improved with Powerpoints and videos.  Demonstrations become more easily viewed when witnessed through a document camera or projector.  Even practice and drill can become a fun part of the day when computer games are the method rather than flashcards.  

Technology itself it extremely adaptable; which makes it the perfect tool for adaptable teaching.  Technology allows teaching to become more student centered rather than teacher centered.  The most important piece of developing this differentiated classroom is having a team of teachers.  This style of teaching cannot be done alone as the planning requires more preparation.  Teams of teachers sharing ideas will be more effective in reaching every one of our 21st century learners.

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